Continued Approvals

Continued Approval for VA Educational Benefits

Any changes to the current approval including location changes/additions, catalogs/Veteran’s Information Bulletins (VIB), School Certifying Officials, and Accreditation Status, Wages and Standards (On-the-Job Training/Apprenticeship) must be reported to the SAA within 30 days of the information being published.


Reapproval: Required for significant changes to programs or facility operations or every 24 months.  Submission of VA form 22-10287 (IHL) or VA form 22-10288 (NCD), Nevada State supplemental application and all support documentation required.


Approval Updates:  AKA Revised approval or Refresh of a facility approval listing all changes in the catalog and student handbooks since the last reapproval.  Submission of Nevada State supplemental application, catalog addendum, list of all changes in new catalog publications and supporting documentation for changes as necessary.




    School Certifying Official Resources

    Each year the Nevada SAA and the VA ELR hosts a School Certifying Official Conference at no charge to participants.  Approval facilities are highly encouraged to attend as the conference covers changes in the law, VA interpretations, compliance survey issues and certifying information.  SCO's are required to stay abreast of changes that impact their participation in the program and the conference serves as an excellent way to stay informed.

    SAA Contact

    Ryan Rishling
    VA Education Specialist
    (702) 486-7330 option 3